Thursday, February 28, 2013

Presentation from Shasta Dam on Electricity
Homework: essay on what resources come from Shasta Dam and Shasta Lake Area - Due Friday

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Presentation from Shasta Dam on Magnetism, Electricity.

Watched video from California Department of Education on

Homework: Essay on all things from Shasta Dam....we did thought web in class on the many resources that are at Shasta Dam both man made and natural. Due Friday

I have student science notebooks for grading. They will receive back on Friday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Work book pages to complete (these are cut out and pasted in your Science Notebook (SN)
p.80, due Wednesday 2/13
p.82, due Friday 2/15
p.84 due Wednesday 2/20

Science Notebook set up

NASA Sci Files on "The Case of the Shaky Quake"
2/13 Section 1
Define concepts
think about making a video on a topic
how do they do that?
What is a sismologist?
What is plate tectonics?
What is continental drift?
What is a fault line?

2/15 Section 2

2/20 Section 3

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Collected Science Notebooks for grade check
Gave Chapter 6 Standards Test on Plate Tectonics
Students played learning board game on business and resources! See pictures below :)
No homework assigned for today. See you Friday

Friday, February 1, 2013

Presentation on Costa Rica - student trip.
No new assignments were given. See you on Wednesday.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Read chapter 6 on Plate Tectonics and Do Assignment pages 77 and 78. Cut and paste into your Science Notebook. Remember to put on the right side and save the left side for notes.

NASA Sci-Files series on energy!